Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Plate Clock

It's true that I've been missing for months now. I don't know what happened. It could have been the kitchen remodel, then a busy summer playing with our three kids, then school starting, and finally finishing our kitchen remodel. Needless to say I'm back. Over the weekend I visited my sister in Arizona. While dining out I came upon a beautiful display of plate clocks. I gushed over them for a couple of days. Aren't they pretty?

Then I told my sis I had to try and copy it. Granted mine is a simplified version, but hey, it works I'd say! I found my plate at Home Goods for $3.99 My brother in law kindly drilled a hole in the center with a diamond bit. Whew, it didn't crack. Finding the clock mechanism was handled with a simple search at our local thrift store (Deseret Industries). They had a whole pile of old clocks to choose from. After applying vinyl numbers I was set. I Can't wait to hang it.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Family Name Plaque

Have I mentioned we are remodeling our kitchen?! Along with a new kitchen comes my favorite part--new colors and accessories! The basics are starting to come into place and I'm already decorating the space. Yes, this is a little backwards, but I can help myself! Our local crafts store was closing a location in May and I loaded up a bit. I found this fabulous metal sign sign for $3.20 The quote wasn't really for me.

With a little paint and some magnetized stone letters we have a new family name plaque. I can't wait to hang it my completed kitchen.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Boxwood Topiary

Sure, you could buy a boxwood topiary, or you could make your own. It would probably cost you less to make your own. In my case, it definitely did. I found a tree form and some of these boxwood sheets for 75% off at Roberts Arts and Crafts.

This was simple enough to do. Cut the boxwood stems off the sheets and poke into the styrofoam tree form. Place in the pot of your choosing. Easy Peasy.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Teacher Appreciation Gift

This year our daughter's teacher sent home a wish list for teacher appreciation week. It's always nice to know what kinds of items are needed in the classroom, as well as what the teacher might enjoy. On her wish list was a potted plant. After talking with my daughter, I also discovered her teacher is often searching for regular pens and fails to have them on hand where she can find them. Here is our solution gift--pen flowers in pretty pot with some added greenery.

The pen flowers are simple to make. All you need is a pen, a flower, and some floral tape. Hopefully the next time she reaches for a pen she'll know just where to grab it and also have something pretty to dress up the classroom.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Pretty Pendant

This past week I went to the Oh Sweet Sadie Boutique and Gift Show. After seeing this sweet eggs in a basket pendant, I was inspired to try and make one myself.

Here's my copy cat version. I raided my scrapbook and jewelry making supplies to find the wire and silver jewelry bail. I already had the chain. After purchasing some simple pearl beads (I couldn't find any blue hued ones) and using some super glue, everything somehow came together.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Gluing Dishes

Here's a fun concept. Did you know you can glue dishes together with epoxy? At a church activity we glued plates and bowls or cups together to make cake stands. How cool--I mean really, there are endless possibilities, right?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Birthday Banner

We had a birthday at our house this past week. It was a good excuse to replace my paper banner with a more permanent fabric one. I got my pattern from Vanilla Joy.

Isn't she purty?